Proposal 5: High jump category [ Revision 2 ]

Committee: Jumps
Submitted on 2014-12-18
Status: Set-Aside (Reviewed from January 22, 2015 to January 25, 2015)


At previous Unicon (17), high jump was divided into three different category of height. It made the competition run much smoother having the beginners on one bar, intermate a second bar, and experts on a third high jump bar.

While this removes pressure from the more beginner riders from jumping with people jumping more than twice the height they're at, it was tremendously reduces the lenght of the competition. Officials don't have to change the height of the high jump bar as much as they would do if only one was available. If a ride can't make his attempt yet because the bar is set to high, he won't have to wait as long until the bar comes back down to a height he can reach.


Old: not applicable



x.x.x.x Categories

To speed up competition, the event organizers may choose to separate the High Jump over Bar competitions into different categories that are then run concurrently.  This is highly recommended if the number of registered participants is over 50.  Example categories include Beginner (0 to 40 cm), Advanced (40 to 90 cm), and Expert (90 cm and higher).  Note that these categories are not awarded separate medals. Additionally, the organizers must provide sufficient officials to regulate all competitions.  If a rider maxes out on one category, he or she must move up to the next category to continue their attempts.


Speeds up the competition and relieves pressure on the riders.


"At past Unicon the high jump was split into three different heigh categories, which was great and allowed many things. Better competition/motivation for riders as they were competing with people near their level. It was also making every thing move faster, thus not requiring riders to have to wait around all day." -Emile Mathieu


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Change Log:

Revision 2 changed by Emile Mathieu (22 Jan 11:19)

update by Jenni

Revision 1 changed by Emile Mathieu (18 Dec 17:01)

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