High jump category

This discussion has an associated proposal. View Proposal Details here.

Comments about this discussion:



I'm not sure if we need a specific rule for this in the rulebook.


I thought it would be a nice addition because we've or at least I've never seen this done before and it was a great addition to the competition. 


When there are 100+ participants how high jump maybe it should be required then? 


What do others think?


On one side e need to keep the time book the lightest possibly, on the other side it nice to be specific and have some guidance as well.


Wait, I thought that was the point of having only X number of attempts for each rider?  Or is this on top of that other rule?  Regardless, I'm generally against making this a rule set in stone for all competitions but I do think it should happen for Unicon or other events with 50+ riders.


The current proposal contains no "rules". Everything is suggestions, excluding the requirement for extra officials. But this is a good idea. Aside from the reasons already stated, the other good thing about doing this is that it creates a much more spectator-friendly event as well.

I understand the reluctance to requiring anything that would need more people, even if it takes less time (actually, net use of people-hours might be shorter). I think it should be run as described at any large competition, and definitely at something like Unicon.

But if there isn't enough will to make anything required, the proposal should be tabled because there aren't any new rules in it. Any future High Jump organizers should be made aware of this as a better method to run their event, and that should be enough.



I think we can make this into a rule for when there are a big number of competitors. For example if we take 100 contesant = the rule needs to be applied. It would look a little like this

"If the competition has over 100 registered competitor, the organizer must divide the high jump in multiple categories. The organizer must have similar high jump bars set up. Note that by doing so, the organizer must provide more officials to regulate the competition. Here is an example of 3 different high jump category
0 to 40cm
40 to 90cm
90cm and more"

What do you guys think?


In other areas of the rulebook, 50 riders is often the number used. I couldn't find any other references to 100 riders in the rulebook. Other than that, it's a good idea Emile. 


I don't get the advantage of it beside of having more medails (will it be realy more / is there any discussion started about agegroups in highjumps / will this categories replace the need of age groups / can a rider easy swap to the next categorie if he jup over the top level of his categorie...)

Mainly I dont see how this will speed up the event, as long as you use more jump bars, it is usual that you use one for the lower hights, another fr medium level and another for the higher level. I don't get how those categories will help to speed it up, I more have the feeling that it slow down the competition.


There are not different category for medals, they are different height for high jump bars.

So you set up multiple high jump bar so there isn't a rider wanting to jump 130cm going at the same time as another wanting to attempt 20cm high.

There is a bar for lower heights, medium heights and higher heights.


I see, then its what several hosts already did. For sure it make sense to recommend it in the rulebook, could be part of the general setup for a jump competition then as it works for all jump disciplines the same way. 


Here's a possible modification of the proposal to make it a bit more clear.  I wasn't sure how to address the riders who are on the fence between two groups, so I made something up.


x.x.x.x Categories

To speed up competition, the event organizers may choose to separate the High Jump over Bar competitions into different categories that are then run concurrently.  This is highly recommended if the number of registered participants is over 50.  Example categories include Beginner (0 to 40 cm), Advanced (40 to 90 cm), and Expert (90 cm and higher).  Note that these categories are not awarded separate medals. Additionally, the organizers must provide sufficient officials to regulate all competitions.  If a rider maxes out on one category, he or she must move up to the next category to continue their attempts.


Couldn't be clearer, thanks Jenni


Yes that makes it much more clear. I just realize that in case that we go for the limited number of attemps system, it should be added here also that the number of possible attemps count not per categorie. I guess it count then all over.


Is this proposal done? Can we set it to a vote?

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