Proposal 43: Judging [ Revision 3 ]

Committee: Freestyle
Submitted on 2015-03-26
Status: Set-Aside (Reviewed from March 26, 2015 to April 22, 2015)


The current Presentation rules do not work as is. This was proven at Unicon 17. These rules were taken from the international figure skating rules and adapted for our use. The table in this doesn't seem to show up as intended but one can imagine how it would look.


Old Rule:

The entirety of section 5c except where noted below.


New Rule:

5c Freestyle Judging

Judging for Individual, Pairs, and Group Freestyle is divided into two components, Technical

and Presentation. Qualified judges may judge only Technical, only Presentation,

or both. For each component, judges give three or four scores from 0 to 10, or 0 to 15,

high scores being better. Scores such as 2.0, 2.2, or even 2.25 are encouraged to help

differentiate between riders of similar ability.


5.23 Individual Freestyle – Technical Score

No changes to this section for this proposal


5.24 Individual Freestyle – Presentation Score

The Presentation half of the judging has been broken into four parts. Four scores are to be

given by each judge with values ranging from 0 to 10 as follows:

• Mistakes: Dismounts (0-10 points)

• Performance/Execution (0-10 points)

• Composition/Choreography (0-10 points)

• Interpretation of the Music/Timing (0-10 points)

Presentation Total: 40 points

Each part includes a definition of the terms as well criteria to be considered by the judges.


5.24.1 Mistakes: Dismounts

No changes to this section for this proposal


5.24.2 Performance/Execution


There are two parts to this section. Each part does not need to be evenly weighted, but judges are required to consider both parts.


Performance: involvement of the rider physically, emotionally and intellectually as they translate the intent of the music and choreography.

Execution: quality of movement and precision in delivery. This includes harmony of movement.



• Physical, emotional and intellectual involvement

• Carriage

• Style and individuality/personality

• Clarity of movement

• Variety and contrast

• Projection

5.24.3 Composition/Choreography


An intentional, developed and/or original arrangement of all types of movements according to the principles of proportion, unity, space, pattern, structure and phrasing.



• Purpose (idea, concept, vision)

• Proportion (equal weight of the parts)

• Utilization of personal and public space

• Pattern and ice coverage

• Phrasing and form (movements and parts structured to match the phrasing of the music)

• Originality of purpose, movement and design


5.24.4 Interpretation of the Music/Timing


The personal and creative realization1 of the rhythm, character and content of music to movement in the performance area.



• Effortless movement in time to the music (timing)

• Expression of the music’s style, character and rhythm

• Proper musical realization to artfully characterize the routine

• Use of finesse2 to reflect the nuances of the music

• Keeping a good balance between riding to the beat and melody

1Musical realization can occur in four different ways:

  • Analog: Representing the highlights/cues in the music through movements

  • Congruent: Representing every beat/tone/note in the music through movements

  • Contrastive: Movement that is contrary to the music or putting moves on the off-beat

  • Autonom: Movement and music are independent. Music and movements don't need to match, yet can. This offers the artist the most freedom in his creative process


2Finesse is the refined, artful manipulation of nuances by the rider(s). Nuances are the personal artistic ways of bringing variations to the intensity, tempo, and dynamics of the music made by the composer and/or musicians.

5.25 Pairs Freestyle – Additional Judging Criteria

Pairs judges must consider the performance of two unicyclists together. All judging

criteria and the scoring from Individual Freestyle are used, but the additional factors

below must also be considered. The only exceptions are the scoring guidelines for Pairs

Freestyle Difficulty and Duration as mentioned below in section 5.25.3.


5.25.1 Pairs Freestyle: Quantity of Unicycling Skills and Transitions

5.25.2 Pairs Freestyle: Mastery and Quality of Execution

5.25.3 Pairs Freestyle: Difficulty and Duration

No changes to these sections for this proposal

5.25.4 Performance/Execution

Additional Criteria:

• Unison and “oneness”

• Balance in performance between partners

• Spatial awareness between partners

5.25.5 Composition/Choreography

Additional Criteria:

• Unity

• Shared responsibility in achieving purpose by both


5.24.6 Interpretation of the Music/Timing

• Relationship between the partners reflecting the character of the music


5.26 Group Freestyle – Additional Judging Criteria

Everything for Individual and Pairs applies, including the scoring, plus these additional

points. Exceptions are in the scoring detailed in sections 5.26.3 and 5.26.4. A group of

several riders has many more options of what to do and how it can be presented. Riders

may all be of similar skill levels, or of widely different levels. Some groups will be much

larger than others. These things all need to be considered when judging groups.


5.26.1 Quantity of Unicycling Skills and Transitions

5.26.2 Group Freestyle: Mastery and Quality of Execution

5.26.3 Group Freestyle: Difficulty and Duration

5.26.4 Group Freestyle: Dismounts

No changes to these sections for this proposal


5.26.5 Group Freestyle: Performance/Execution

In addition to the description for Individual Freestyle (section 5.24.2), judges are looking

for teamwork and cooperation. Additionally, movements should cover the performing area uniformly and use all riders effectively.


5.27 Judging Grid - Technical

Section to be added in the Technical Judging discussion. Will be similar to the one show in section 5.28 below.

5.28 Judging Grid - Presentation


Range of Scores

Characteristics of Performance/


Characteristics of Composition/


Characteristics of Interpretation of Music/ Timing

10.00 - 9.00


- elegant /sophisticated style

- refined line of body and limbs

-precise execution of body movements

- spellbinding performance

- projection exceptional

- elements superbly motivated by music

- ingenious use of music, space, symmetry

- memorable highlights distributed evenly

- change of pace/tempo incorporated seamlessly

- total utilization of space

- choreography gives the feeling of a completely unified dance

- rider/music/nuances as one

motivation from “heart”

- wide range of inspired movements, gestures

- rider stays “in character” for the whole routine

- exceptional ability to relate as one and to reflect music/theme

- superb expression of the music’s style and character

- timing: 100% correct

8.75 - 8.00

Very Good

- coordinated movements

- very good carriage and lines

- effortless flow of riding

- projection strong

- superior choreography, clearly understandable

- variety of innovative moves that develop theme

- change of pace/tempo incorporated with ease

- excellent use of


- choreography gives the feeling of a mostly unified dance

- riders and music meld

- internal motivation

- very good range of interesting movements/gestures

- excellent ability to relate as one to reflect music/theme

- excellent expression of the music’s style and character

- timing: 85% correct

7.75 - 7.00


- good carriage/lines

- projection most of time

- interesting moves derived from theme

- good use of music/space/symmetry

- unity of rider in use of music

- riding/music integrated

- good internal motivation

- riders stay “in character” for over 75% of routine

- good expression of the music’s style and character

- timing: 75% correct

6.75 - 6.00

Above Average

- above average line of body and limbs and good carriage

- able to project ~75% of time

- some interesting creative

moves that use rhythm(s) effectively

- above average variation of speed according to music

- above average distribution of


- above average use of performance space

- riding fits music well

- movements in character 75% of time

- rider is able to play with music

- above average expression of the music’s style and character

- timing: 65% correct

5.75 - 5.00


- average carriage/lines with some breaks

- consistent, pleasing line of body and limbs

- projection skills vary throughout routine

- variable moves often related to theme and music

- interesting composition

- average use of change of pace

- average use of performance space

- variation of speed according to music

- slight difference in motivation of moves

- average use of accents/nuances

- average expression of rhythms or theme

- average emotional connection to music

- timing: 55% correct

4.75 - 4.00


- carriage /lines variable

- mostly pleasing posture

- reasonable line of body and limbs

- projection only ~50% of the time

- routine corresponds well with music

- elements generally well distributed but sometimes too much emphasis to

one part of the performance space

- choreography gives the feeling of a halfly unified dance

- riding fits music with minor exceptions

- some motivated moves

moderate use of accents and nuances

- correct expression of the music’s style and character

- timing: 45% correct

3.75 - 3.00


- variable line of body and

limbs/carriage /extensions

- riding relatively stable

- occasional projection

- some isolated groups of moves that fit music/theme

- music is mostly used in the background

- reasonable placement of elements in the performance space

- some motivated moves, but often seem meaningless

-rider weaves in and out of character

- timing: 35% correct

2.75 - 2.00


- inconsistent stability of riding

- poor line of body and


- limited projection skills,


- some moves do not appear to fit music/theme, minimal relation of routine to music

- lack of change of pace

- poor use of accents and nuances

- unmotivated movement

- timing: 25% correct

1.75 - 1.00

Very Poor

- struggle with stable riding

- very poor line of body and


- very limited projection skills

- many moves do not appear to fit music

- little relation of routine to music

- placement of moves lacks coherence

- monotonous

- inappropriate dynamics

- moves seem unrelated to rhythm/character

- timing: 15% correct

0.75 - 0.00

Extremely Poor

- unstable, uncontrolled riding

- extremely poor line of body and limbs/carriage/extensions

- projection skills lacking, labored

- most moves do not appear to fit music

- placement of moves appears random

- some areas of performance space untouched

- choreography does not give the feeling of a completely unified dance at all

- lacks dynamics

- isolated and apparently random gestures not related to music/character/nuances/accents

- timing: less than 15% correct



If a dismount occurs during the routine, certain characteristics of one or several judging categories may be impacted.



These rules seek to emphasize artistry and what it means to have a good performance, not something where it's just the routine that has a costume that matches the music that wins.


International Figure Skating Rules


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Change Log:

Revision 3 changed by Patricia Wilton (28 Mar 16:35)

removed definition of timing in the notes section because it is redundant

Revision 2 changed by Patricia Wilton (25 Mar 20:47)

Table note.

Revision 1 changed by Patricia Wilton (25 Mar 20:47)

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