Proposal 26: 1.3.1 Safety Equipment [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: Main Committee
Submitted on 2015-03-18
Status: Passed on April 13, 2015


At previous Unicons, the safety rules have been changed by various people. This rule is being updated to be more clear.


Old Rule:

1.3.1 Safety Equipment

You will find the detailed rules about safety equipment in each chapter as point x.3 (2.3, 3.3, 4.3 etc.). Hosts may only deviate from these rules for safety equipment if this is inevitable. The status of “inevitable” has to be documented and must be approved by the IUF executive board. Any deviation from the IUF safety equipment requirements must be approved and announced at least two months before the event.

New Rule:

1.3.1 Safety Equipment

You will find the detailed rules about safety equipment in each chapter as point x.3 (2.3, 3.3, 4.3 etc.). Safety equipment worn by riders must meet the definitions for each, which are found in Section 1d. Hosts may only deviate from these rules for safety equipment if this is inevitable. The status of “inevitable” has to be documented and must be approved by the IUF executive board. Any deviation from the IUF safety equipment requirements must be approved and announced at least two months before the event. Additional inevitable changes that arise just before or during an event cannot be approved by the event director alone. The approval of two IUF representatives is required in addition to the event director's approval. These changes are once again only allowed in the case of the inevitable, and not for example due to the wishes of the competitors or judges.




See discussion and Hugo's remarks about Unicon 17.



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Votes on this proposal:

14 out of 26 voting members have voted.

Agree: 14, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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