Proposal 24: Ungeared Recognition [ Revision 2 ]

Committee: Road Racing
Submitted on 2015-02-18
Status: Passed on March 14, 2015


At NAUCC there is a category were the top ungeared rider is recognized in each event, only the top rider, not the top 3. 

A "traditional" unicycle is ungeared and those riders should still get recognized for placing without a geared unicycle. Our unicycling community has a long standing history of recognizing every participant and encouraging each rider to continue riding. Just because you don't have a geared unicycle you should be overlooked for performing well in a race. 


Old Rule (from U.S.A. rulebook as a framework as no prior rule exists)

3.2.1 Ungeared Champion

If there are 5 or more geared riders in an Unlimited event, the fastest ungeared rider will be awarded North American Ungeared Champion for that event. This is only for the overall classification, not for Age Groups.


New Rule 

3.2.1 Ungeared Awards

If there are 5 or more geared riders in an Unlimited event, the fastest 3 ungeared riders from both the male and female categories will be awarded with an ungeared title for that event. This is only for the overall classification, not for Age Groups.


See Background



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Change Log:

Revision 2 changed by Scott Wilton (02 Mar 08:40)

Updated rule to be clear about the USA text.

Revision 1 changed by Kirsten Goldstein (18 Feb 17:13)

Votes on this proposal:

12 out of 19 voting members have voted.

Agree: 10, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 2.

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