Part 3: Less than 3 rides after combining all age groups (Closed for comments)

Comments about this discussion:


What happens if there are only one or two competitors in a discipline (for example coasting male)? (What results in the fact, that the final age group after combining all age groups has less than 3 rides.)

A lot of convention hosts say, that they can not rank this rides, because the resulting age groups have at least not the minimum required number of participants.

Do we really want not to rank this rides?


I think that is not fair to the riders, because they want to participate, they have trained and they want to give their best, but in the end they get nothing. Only caused by the fact, that not enough other rides participated in the discipline - but therefor we can‘t blame the rider who wants to participate.


I think we should rank these competitors 


I agree, rank them!


I agree:  rank them.

But train and encourage more riders to take part in the future to avoid this problem.


If a competition happens and all agegroup merging was done, the riders should / must be ranked, it is not the fault of the riders at least.


I agree: rank them.

And perhaps do not offer this discipline in future events.


In most cases not to offer the discipline in future events is not a suitable option I think. For example coasting: There are a lot of girls doing that discipline but only a few boys - on small competitions sometimes less than 3... I think Petra is right, the best way to avoid this problem is to train an encourage more riders to take part in this disciplines :)


I believe Section 1.3.2 was written with larger competitions in mind, though it also covers competitions with less than 50 riders. At that size (or really at any size), organizers can choose to fall back on Section 1.3.3, which allows them a great deal of leeway on awards.

I definitely wouldn't eliminate a competition event if there were still two riders to compete against each other.


This discussion is about age group determination. Thus, it will be discussion in that committee once it gets started. Thanks for your comments here.

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